Senin, 20 September 2010

Best RecipesKeke pua'a video News Recipes

So I've been seriously procrastinating with this video because everytime I sat down at the computer, the last thing I felt like doing was a video edit. I found every excuse in the book to put it off. Gotta check my emails. Gotta order some stuff online. Gotta check my Visa balance to see if I can afford to order stuff online. Gotta see what's going on with those trapped miners in Chile. 47 days and no end in sight! No way! Hey, I wonder if anyone is on Skype? Gotta check out the current exchange rate. Ooh, and maybe I'll just see how much airfares are to Tahiti.

I admit, it's embarrassing how much of my adult life has been wasted surfing this never-ending playground called the internet.

But you know what finally lit a fire under my butt to get this video done? It was this comment on Youtube. It was posted under my suafa'i vid because, due to aforementioned procrastination, my keke pua'a one hadn't been posted. Aufdieinsel wrote:

i couldn't wait for you to put your keke puaa video up. so i just went ahead with the one on your blog and tried it. HEAVEN! your dough for some reason is better than the chinatown one. it's more bready???? lol. we've had it for 2 days now and my flatmates are all "kay kay" puaa'ed out! thanks for sharing!!!!!!

Now is that cool or WHAT?!?!
Like someone actually cares about what I do on my blog!
Like someone actually tried a recipe that was here!
And it worked!!!

So thanks to aufdieinsel, here, finally, after a week of trying to avoid it, is the video for how to make keke pua'a.

Now the blog can move on!

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